Jan 31, 2011
Snow King, Wyoming, USA
Broderick in the gym.
Fog coming into Spokane.
You save $5 per room per night and you get the most amazing duvet in the hotel industry. Motel 6.
Truck Stop.
Montana Convenience store.
Montana Cafe.
Ford was right. You have to check out 5 Guys burgers and fries.
The i system. Not once did we play any Johnny Cash on the drive in. But I was humming it all week.
Foggy shelter.
Foggy Farmland
3 People happy to be sitting on a bench that is not in a van.
Spring temps with winter snow.
Some people might try and get this view of Jackson by attaching a million helium ballons to their house.
We took the double chair.
Thoughtful gentlemen.
We actually fought the entire trip. We were screaming at each other for 4 hours straight driving one day. But we put on a brave face here and faked it.
Waiting on the lift.
The cafe.
GS #1
GS #2
GS #3
Second run start list.
Angry Birds.
Days end.
Blue sky potential.
Cloud Sandwich.
Frosty Trees.
From the start.
Oh hey ladies team.
The 15 passenger / large SUV show and shine.
Antler archway # 1
Antler archway # 2
There were in fact cowboys.
Wheres my Camera?
Perhaps its in the boys room?
Snow king resort. Spacious room, great rates.
Who wears medals? Who wears belts? Exactly. Home with Hardware.
So long Snow King.
Spencer shows his stuff at Billy Burger.
After Gursky.
Happy birthday Ford. Let me shove you in a truck for 12 hours, take you to subway allow you to purchase yourself lunch and enjoy 5 minutes of sun and fresh air.
I am sorry it took me an hour to get my coffee.