Establishing scene.

Morning glaze.

Snow tumbling down the hill as you slide down. (art)


Just as Dr. Frith expected, non displaced radius fracture. Matt is fine.


River cool down and a tense soccer game.

Hallie, Alex, and Blake.


Not today clouds, not today.


Mt. Hood’s shadow.

Krystal and Nick set.

Corse wet snow.

The boys ran out of soap. Nick is not exaggerating.

425….426…427… © Nick Cooper, junior contributor.




1 small square of snow generates a lot of money.

Ultra competitive pick up soccer.

Corndogs and a sack of cash, life is good for Patrick Carry.

Is Nicks anckle broken? I had $10 on a hairline fracture.
I lost, sprain/partial tear.
What a trooper skiing on that thing for 4 days.
Get well soon.

Looks nice, but very humid, very cold, and very windy.

Top of the flying mile.

This is what standby looks like.

We made the call, we cancelled. The boys are visibly upset. Shortly after the mountain shut down.

Wet drive home.

Girls core session.

Boys core session.

Spencer leads the agility race.

Blake spots Patrick on the slack chain.

Stretching circle.

Fuxi explains the deals that are to be had. The whole store apparently.

Outdoor tuning at our wood cabin.

Krystal and Nick organize salt.


OPEN THE VAN!!!! Photo © Nick Cooper.

What ever is that you ask?

…. why it’s a splinter. Ouch.

Nick and Alex, video.

A long demotivating drive to ski in the rain in August.

Downloading after 15 runs in torrential rain and hi winds.

The boys hydration monitoring begins.

Dusan and the big kids had the same conditions in New Zealand. Except we got 15 runs. Haha.

Mt. Hood, looking deceptively plesent.

Waiting on tickets, Nick works the light.

Timberline Lodge.

Mt. Hood, the weather creation machine.

Skiers right of the chair, skiers left is the snow.

Various clouds.

Pin-stripes for the office.



Nick Cooper: SPF 200

Snack Time

View from the hill.

Devin Spence, SL

The boot dryer

Heading home.

Canada day BBQ with the BCST

Core session.

Peter Behncke.

The end of our waterfall hike.

Heading behind the falls

First shower of the camp.

En route

Motorcycles + ski boots = Awesome.