Establishing scene.

Morning glaze.

Snow tumbling down the hill as you slide down. (art)


Just as Dr. Frith expected, non displaced radius fracture. Matt is fine.


River cool down and a tense soccer game.

Crazy equipment in Palmers lower station.

7:55 AM

Ben takes a pit stop.

Panelled SL



Sasha: 1, Stingerless bee: 0

Sasha: 2, SL Gate: 0

Boogerbear showed up for a couple runs.


Me and Broderick and a random.

Sasha: 3, Pool: 0

Aquasize 4pm Thunderhead lodge.

Mt. Hood from Trillium lake.

Lake swimmers.

Virabhadrasana III

Hey, take a picture of us. OK.

First in line for the mile.

West Celebrity, our space.

Ford warms up.

Top of the course.

Looking out of place.

Volcanic rock.

Charles Darwin would most likely be upset with bees that had no stingers, or possibly that is the next step, and we have witnessed evolution, a future with no bee stings. Either way, we are happy with the situation because there are a lot of these little fellows.

Snow spiders? Another huge leap forward?

The legendary Huckleberry Inn.

TV time.

Tyler myotests.

I hope the donut makers are as determined to as good a job as the painters. That would be quite a donut.

Men cooking food for men.

Our kitchen.

Skis, computer work, muscle rolling, bbq sauce, crib. Its called getting along in close quarters. Its what we do.

Getting ready to roll in the Mt. Hood rocks.

Ford works the panelled SL.

70 kph winds and sun.

High speed quad.

High speed quads.


Video #1.

Video #2


Travel food. Burgerville #16. The chain’s most significant differentiation is in its use of local ingredients and natural ingredients, such as Tillamook Cheddar in its burgers, and locally grownstrawberries in its milkshakes and sundaes. Throughout the year it offers seasonal items such as milkshakes made with hazelnuts, fresh pumpkins, fresh raspberries, fresh strawberries, and blackberries, and side orders such as Walla Walla onion rings, sweet potato fries and Yukon Gold potatoes.

The people have spoken.

Self catering.


First nights meeting.

Morning Ride.

Smoked bison sandwich at The Lift Coffee Company.


William Konantz.

The crew.

Sasah Zaitsoff.

Conrad Pridy.

Elli Terwiel.

The races.


Ben Lifts

Morgan cares not for physics or gravity

Fords on the ball.

The Swettes had the team over for diner.

Feeding frenzy.

Family diner.

Sasha on the myotest.

Cross country. Or rather cross valley.

Conrad strikes a pose.

Ben relying on the kindness of others to patch a tire. Thanks Ellie.

The view from the top.

Dusty trails and ankle socks.

Everyone laughs, except for Ben, as his flip-flop heads for Nita lake. Ben kind of laughed too, just not as hard.

Cold plunge focus.

Body composition test.


Broderick gives blood for the lactate test.

Broderick sweats

Morgan nears the end.

The end.

Blood lactate testing supplies.

Lab stuff.

(potential) Yogis

Thanks BC team alumni Katie Dunn for some awesome yoga.

Good morning.


Course prep.

Product placement.

Weather rolls in as we roll out.

Everyday is a sunny day at the office.