Fluid Instability


Oct 3, DH and Hottubs

From a few days ago, nice orange.

DH Start.

Speedys kingdom.

The Jump.

The horizon.

Melting snow.

Hot tub tube racing.

Sorry Broderick, this double espresso is not for you. Get back to hip mobility.

I dont know the name of our Hotel. But I don’t think it is Pirigallo. But we have a lot of cups that say Pirigallo.



Martina Speeden came up for a tub, and got a bit of agility.

Oct 2, where have all the posts been?

DH Track.


Mountain sights.

More mountains

Oct 1, Spotlight on Chillan.

6 km’s of winding roads to the bus stop.

6 km’s of dusty winding roads to the bus stop.

Not a bus stop but if you stand here the bus will stop.

Busscar beauty parlor.

Modern church.

The markets.

Market photography 101.


Nicest looking stand around.




Local, organic, free-range, and unless the bicycle is just for marketing purposes there is no need to offset your carbon.

7.99$/lbs at Wholefoods.

35mm film? D cell batteries? what is this crazy place?

Markets are done. Not everything was sold.

Tommy Hilfiger 2012?

Sept 30, Condor Cup dry run.

One moon. One Chair.

Warm up.


Afternoon freeskiing in the back bowls.

Always up there, working the ridgelines.

Sept 29.

General story usually means a wide assortment of goods, in this case it is a general lack of anything store. But it does have a great location.

Kailee and Jocelyn catch up on homework while catching up on laundry.

Video. Our sincerest appologies to Ben, we’re sorry video couldn’t be a bit more interesting, or more interesting than a rubix cube. Tommorow we will have dancing girls and a marching band in an effort to pique your interest.

Sept 28, big day.

Clear skys once again. Dykster sets the brower start.

Top of the chair from the DH start.

Snow texture #1

Snow texture #2

Snow texture #3

Snow texture #4

Hike to the start.

Chair riding.

Ford was the one who skied the dye pack out.

Where chairs go to die.

A lot of blue shrines in the rocks at the start of the hike.

Broderick and Ford heap on the enthusiasm to climbing Tyler.

We found a mountain hut, entered and then it went under seige.

Not liquid hot magma, but at least it bubbled.

The top ridge.

Clay type substance made downhill tough.


The pump house to keep the hotels water hot.

We found what we think used to be a spa, some number of years ago.

Outdoor bathtub overgrowth.

The newer building of the old spa, still has a roof.

Tadpoles and a friendly camera man.

Spa interior #1

Spa interior #2. Toilet tank bed.

Spa interior #3

Spa interior #4. Bed pile.

Run down spa overview.

Sept 27, Weather change changes plans

Sleet/wet snow on the first lift.

Top of the second lift. 2 people more excited than I.

No big rush.

Don survays the hill with the French, we enjoy a diesel powered fire.

GS Slip.

Impromptu dye.

After 6 runs of GS we hit the poma to run in the speed skis.

Cold rain and a hot pool.


Sept 26. Smells like volcano

Warming up.

Heading up the T-Bar

Conrad on the last push to the top.

Ford and Conrad clicking in.





Ben and the view.

Stealing the show.

Ben feeds Dykster.

Tyler puts on a clinic.

Pass the Juicy Fruit would you please?

Sept 24, Hasta luego Valle.

Morning cloud.

Bigger cliff behind a big hotel.

Tyler on the speed track.

The Gents.

Jump inspection.

Tyler guinea pigs it as the young guys take notes.

Jumpers watching jumpers.


“Pass the mantequilla would you please Ford?”

Dont get me wrong Valle Nevado is great but I hope to wake up a little further from my co-worker in the next hotel.

The divider sheet stayed tucked at all times.

Busscar time!

Chillan mechanics.


We had a little shindig at the hotel.

A lot of things to think about. Spanish, english, french and russian all in one.

Mid set auto-portrait.

Chairlift #1

Chairlift #2

Speedy checks Celines bindings.

Super-G warm up.

The one way road down.

Andes rock moss #1

Andes rock moss #2

Sometimes you wake up to an alarm, sometimes you wake up because people are loud outside your window.

Sometimes you wake up because a 50lbs rock rolls through your window.

The American coaches who lived there were happy no one was hurt, they had a good story, and the hotel bought them both a massage.


Tyler and Dykster and a Chilean family watching video.

Hey Lindsey…… Lindsey…….. Over here!!!

Lindsey over here, were trying to take a photo.

Same sunset, slightly different.

Good night.