Sep 23, 2009
Happy birthday to blog.
The blog turns 1 this week. Many km’s, many hotels, many flights, many turns, many tickets, and one or two laughs.
Over 5500 pages views. Thanks people.
Kelly VanderBeek-Ford has a new pack of Wrigleys gum, it has a maple leaf on each piece.
New rule: No more farting in the helicopter. Seriously, no more.
The enlisted men.
Farnham glacier, you can see the course in the top right.
The cats coming up from Camp Green to meet us.
Wrigleys gum isn’t quite as badass as a cigar, but Nick still looks tough.
The first crew waits as the heli leaves.
The cat and the morning glaze.
Full B net is a nice mod-con.
Strange snow melt.
A minute for myself in the cat.
Ain’t no party like a snow cat party…..
Derek the part time cinematographer.
Nick give a presentation prepared by Brad Spence on GS technique that he prepared for ACA coaches. Thanks Brad.